Gaza 1 , 2005, oil on canvas, 81 x 99cm. Private collection, France

Gaza 1, 2005, oil on canvas, 81 x 99cm. Private collection, France

  Gaza 2 , 2005, oil on canvas, 50 x 65cm. Private collection, France

Gaza 2, 2005, oil on canvas, 50 x 65cm. Private collection, France

  Untitled (Green Lines) , 2005, oil on canvas, 172 x 235cm. Private collection, France

Untitled (Green Lines), 2005, oil on canvas, 172 x 235cm. Private collection, France

  GO , 2005, oil and spraypaint on canvas, 200 x 200cm. Private collection, France

GO, 2005, oil and spraypaint on canvas, 200 x 200cm. Private collection, France

  Untitled (Transporting) , 2005, oil on canvas, 130 x 162 cm. Private collection, France

Untitled (Transporting), 2005, oil on canvas, 130 x 162 cm. Private collection, France

  Juvenile Offender , 2005, oil on canvas, 130 x 175cm. Private collection, France

Juvenile Offender, 2005, oil on canvas, 130 x 175cm. Private collection, France

  Untitled (Emerging Gallerist) , 2005, oil on canvas, 150 x 150 cm. Private collection, France

Untitled (Emerging Gallerist), 2005, oil on canvas, 150 x 150 cm. Private collection, France

  Untitled , 2005, oil on canvas, 146 x 228cm (diptych). Private collection, France

Untitled, 2005, oil on canvas, 146 x 228cm (diptych). Private collection, France

  Untitled , 2005, oil on canvas, 146 x 228cm. Private collection, France

Untitled, 2005, oil on canvas, 146 x 228cm. Private collection, France

  Untitled (Gloop) , 2005, oil on canvas, 81 x 100cm. Private collection, France

Untitled (Gloop), 2005, oil on canvas, 81 x 100cm. Private collection, France

  Untitled , 2005, oil on canvas, 20 x 35cm. Private collection, France

Untitled, 2005, oil on canvas, 20 x 35cm. Private collection, France

  Untitled , 2005, oil on canvas, 195 x 135cm. Collection FNAC, France

Untitled, 2005, oil on canvas, 195 x 135cm. Collection FNAC, France

  Untitled (Grand Palais) , 2005, oil on canvas, 120cm (tondo). Private Collection (FR)

Untitled (Grand Palais), 2005, oil on canvas, 120cm (tondo). Private Collection (FR)

  Gaza 1 , 2005, oil on canvas, 81 x 99cm. Private collection, France
  Gaza 2 , 2005, oil on canvas, 50 x 65cm. Private collection, France
  Untitled (Green Lines) , 2005, oil on canvas, 172 x 235cm. Private collection, France
  GO , 2005, oil and spraypaint on canvas, 200 x 200cm. Private collection, France
  Untitled (Transporting) , 2005, oil on canvas, 130 x 162 cm. Private collection, France
  Juvenile Offender , 2005, oil on canvas, 130 x 175cm. Private collection, France
  Untitled (Emerging Gallerist) , 2005, oil on canvas, 150 x 150 cm. Private collection, France
  Untitled , 2005, oil on canvas, 146 x 228cm (diptych). Private collection, France
  Untitled , 2005, oil on canvas, 146 x 228cm. Private collection, France
  Untitled (Gloop) , 2005, oil on canvas, 81 x 100cm. Private collection, France
  Untitled , 2005, oil on canvas, 20 x 35cm. Private collection, France
  Untitled , 2005, oil on canvas, 195 x 135cm. Collection FNAC, France
  Untitled (Grand Palais) , 2005, oil on canvas, 120cm (tondo). Private Collection (FR)

Gaza 1, 2005, oil on canvas, 81 x 99cm. Private collection, France

Gaza 2, 2005, oil on canvas, 50 x 65cm. Private collection, France

Untitled (Green Lines), 2005, oil on canvas, 172 x 235cm. Private collection, France

GO, 2005, oil and spraypaint on canvas, 200 x 200cm. Private collection, France

Untitled (Transporting), 2005, oil on canvas, 130 x 162 cm. Private collection, France

Juvenile Offender, 2005, oil on canvas, 130 x 175cm. Private collection, France

Untitled (Emerging Gallerist), 2005, oil on canvas, 150 x 150 cm. Private collection, France

Untitled, 2005, oil on canvas, 146 x 228cm (diptych). Private collection, France

Untitled, 2005, oil on canvas, 146 x 228cm. Private collection, France

Untitled (Gloop), 2005, oil on canvas, 81 x 100cm. Private collection, France

Untitled, 2005, oil on canvas, 20 x 35cm. Private collection, France

Untitled, 2005, oil on canvas, 195 x 135cm. Collection FNAC, France

Untitled (Grand Palais), 2005, oil on canvas, 120cm (tondo). Private Collection (FR)

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